facebook x<style>.ig-b- { display: inline-block; } .ig-b- img { visibility: hidden; } .ig-b-:hover { background-position: 0 -60px; } .ig-b-:active { background-position: 0 -120px; } .ig-b-48 { width: 48px; height: 48px; background: url(//badges.instagram.com/static/images/ig-badge-sprite-48.png) no-repeat 0 0; } @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2 / 1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx) { .ig-b-48 { background-image: url(//badges.instagram.com/static/images/ig-badge-sprite-48@2x.png); background-size: 60px 178px; } }</style> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/bountifulcityutah/?ref=badge" class="ig-b- ig-b-48"><img src="//badges.instagram.com/static/images/ig-badge-48.png" alt="Instagram" /></a>

  • Bountiful Fiber

    Check to see if your address is eligible for Bountiful Fiber!  Click for Bountiful Fiber information - Click here for Fiber Availability Map 

  • Christmas Concert

    Announcing the annual Bountiful City Christmas concert at Woods Cross High.  Click here for more information or to purchase tickets!  Tickets can also be purchased in person at City Hall.

  • Fall Leaf Collection

    Fall Leaf Collection

    Our bagged leaf pickup program ends this Friday! To get on the final pickup list, call the Streets Dept. at 801-298-6175 by Thursday (7 a.m. – 4 p.m.). Once on the list, bag your leaves and place them on the curb for pickup, or in your regular garbage. Please avoid raking leaves into the street, as it can damage equipment, block drainage, and harm the environment. Thank you for helping keep Bountiful clean!



 Last Call for Fall Leaf Collection
Collection ends 12/13/24 - Call 801.298.6175 (Streets Dept.) now to get on the pickup list!

Beginning November 1, there is no overnight parking on City streets
This ordinance is in place until March 31, 2025

Time to renew Business Licensing


View Bountiful City's Latest E-Newsletter: December 5, 2024



  • The Washington Skate Park is OPEN
  • The Town Square water feature is CLOSED for the season.  
  • The Creekside Park water feature is currently CLOSED
  • The Bark Park is currently OPEN